Ending a tenancy Archives | Landlord Blog

By Shannon Hall

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Property cleanliness (or lack of) is the main cause of deposit disputes between landlords and tenants - yet can easily be avoided with a good and proper end of tenancy clean. What is

What is a Section 21 notice? Serving a Section 21 notice is currently the only way for a landlord to seek possession where the tenant is either not in breach of the tenancy or

For many landlords across the UK, tenant abandonment is a serious and vulnerable area of letting a property. At the current time, the law does not recognise any form of abandonment process or

Understanding suspended possession orders For the vast majority of landlords, their tenancies end amicably or not so amicably upon the expiry of a tenant’s notice or a landlord’s section 21 notice. In a

I took a call this week from a landlord who has a tenant that is potentially looking at ending a tenancy agreement early.  The tenant has only just recently signed into a fixed