Landlord insurance Archives | Landlord Blog

By Matthew Daines

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As a landlord, keeping track of your important paperwork and legal duties can be overwhelming at times. With documents to sign, certificates to renew and inspections to schedule, ordering your priorities can be

Picture this - it’s 11 o’clock at night, you’ve just finished watching the latest film release and are heading to bed when you’re startled by a phone call. It’s your tenant, they’ve had

Claiming on your landlord insurance can be a tricky process. Whether your property has suffered some serious flood damage or your tenant’s broken an appliance you’ve supplied – insurance claims for landlords are

Landlords naturally look for ways to save money on every tenancy.  After all, this is business and you’re in it to make a positive return on your investment?  A word of caution, however,

Rental property flood risks are a serious issue for landlords and tenants across the country. Flooding in the UK has got significantly worse over the years - more and more homes are being

Landlord's insurance protects landlords against financial losses associated with their rental property. With the ever-increasing demand for rentals, landlords need to safeguard their homes – and their rental income – against any eventuality.