Tenancy agreements Archives | Landlord Blog

By Ashleah Pope

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Renting in Wales is changing this year. The original plans were for July 2022, but have been postponed to December 2022. The Renting Homes (Wales) Act will come into force, aiming to make

When moving to a rental property, your landlord is responsible for providing you with a number of tenancy documents. This includes your contract and information specific to your tenancy, as well as safety

Tenant rights can often seem unclear. Sometimes issues arise between landlords and tenants, which is why it's important to understand each party's legal rights in all situations. So, what rights do tenants have when

Nick Chamberlain joins us on the blog this week to explain the meaning of unfair contract terms and how to ensure your tenancy clauses are completely reasonable and legally compliant. Nick has over

A permitted occupier is generally referred to as 'a person that is not a tenant but has permission to stay in a rented property'. They have no legal rights to the property nor

When helping landlords with their rental properties, a question that we always get asked is “What happens after I’ve found my tenant?” Most landlords have a broad understanding of the lettings process, but

In our previous article ‘Tenancy or Licence’, we saw in the case of Street v Mountford 1985 that a court will look at the facts to establish what type of tenancy exists rather

Tenancy or Licence? There is so much legislation with which both landlords and agents find that they now need to comply. It would be unusual if we did not see either companies or

Residential lettings can be confusing. With over 160 laws and regulations related to renting, there's a lot of complicated jargon thrown around. Landlords and tenants can not be expected to know every lettings

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