Tenant Fee Ban Archives | Landlord Blog

By Natalie Deakin

Deposit protection schemes are a tricky topic for landlords and tenants. Since the Tenant Fee Ban, the legalities of tenancy deposits have caused confusion. Where should they be kept? How much should they

As we're half way into the first month of 2020, it's vital that landlords and investors know what this year has in store for the property sector. To keep you in the loop,

The past twelve months have been a whirlwind for the private rental sector. With many new laws making an appearance and 2018's legislation taking full swing, 2019 has kept landlords and letting agents

The Autumn Budget Statement in 2016 said that Westminster intended to ban tenant fees. This ban came into effect in England from 1 June 2019. Wales, with its devolved housing power, writes its

The new Tenant Fee Ban legislation, over two years in the gestation, has finally received Royal Assent with the majority coming into force on the 1 June 2019. Although the focus is on

This week I was fortunate enough to have a front row seat at the Legal Update 2018 seminar which covered GDPR, MEES and the Tenant Fee ban. [caption id="attachment_6500" align="aligncenter" width="570"] MEES, GDPR