Tenant referencing Archives | Landlord Blog

By Shannon Hall

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Before renting, most landlords will carry out referencing checks on potential tenants to ensure that they can pay their rent. If you don’t meet the income requirements – don’t panic, you’ll still be

When helping landlords with their rental properties, a question that we always get asked is “What happens after I’ve found my tenant?” Most landlords have a broad understanding of the lettings process, but

Tenant reference checks are one of the most important aspects of letting out a property. When you have a keen tenant, it’s natural to want to get them moved in as fast as

Residential lettings can be confusing. With over 160 laws and regulations related to renting, there's a lot of complicated jargon thrown around. Landlords and tenants can not be expected to know every lettings

As landlords, it’s important for us to protect our investments from the minute a potential tenant wants to sign the tenancy agreement. Gathering background information about a tenant is a good way to

What do we really need to know about our tenants and why?  UK Landlords that go down the road of self-management will at some point either talk or meet potential tenants.  It is

Although most landlord responsibilities are laid out in the tenancy agreement, unless using a plain English tenancy agreement, the legal terms used can make deciphering your responsibilities somewhat of a challenge - even for

A landlord with 8 years’ experience and 20 properties under her belt, had her worst fears realised when she let out a property to four students without taking proper tenant referencing. Potential dangers